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Our Tiger Talks Blog

Go to our new Blog page to find out what we are up to, who we are working with and useful information we want to share with you.

Support Tiger - Use us or Lose us

June 14th, 2023

As we hit our 10th Birthday we are asking for your support for us to continue running Tiger Community Hub on Lister Gate in Nottingham.

As a city centre space it is very expensive to be here. We are a non-profit organisation so are self funding, including for a lot of our activities. However, we do love being in the city centre as it means we are accessible to the wider Nottinghamshire community who we have worked very hard with over our 10 years.

We have lovely regulars who love to visit and get emotional and practical support as well as a friendly, safe, welcoming space to spend time.

We do a lot to be as diverse as possible with our income, including our cafe and shop (selling handmade items), running activities, collecting hard to recycle items, room hire, catering, accessing funding for projects, running stalls at events and lots of other things.

We also work with local organisations such as XR Nottingham, University of Nottingham, VF Northern (Timberland, North Face etc brands), Brave Nottingham, Nottingham BID, Shop Zero, Refugee Roots, Notts Pride Network and others to provide a wide range of activities.

How can you help?

  • Come for a visit - whether you want to join in an activity or treat yourself to lunch or a cuppa and cake.

  • Tell your friends we are here.

  • Share us on social media - don't wait for things to pop up as you will never see our posts - actively seek us out and share what we are doing, like things, make a comment. Our social media IDs are listed below.

  • Volunteer - whether it's coming to help at the hub or joining our community sewing, a one off or a regular, your help is always appreciated.

  • Funding - if you see any funding forward us a link. if you see anything where an organisation can be nominated for funding please put us forward.

  • Shop at Tesco? Put the blue token in the Tiger Community Enterprise box.

  • Shop at Co-op, and a member? Choose us as your local cause.

  • Recycle with us - we take allsorts - check out this link -

  • Donate to us - we take fabrics, bedding, craft items, haberdashery, tombola items.

  • If you want to make a cash donation either pop in or use this link:

  • You also might to like a go or two on our Tombola as you win a prize every time!

  • We do room hire - let organisations know they can use our space for activities.

  • Coming soon - community photography. We will have a few different options including Boudoir days and Kids sessions at accessible pricing.

Follow us:

Community Making Day at Tiger

April 13th, 2023

Last Thursday, the Tiger café space was busy with people excited to participate in our community making day.

We had a lovely visit from a group of fabulous VF Northern volunteers. The group were excited to get their hands messy and made some colourful tie dye t-shirts for our shop. They were even happy to help clean up!

We are delighted that VF Northern chose to return to Tiger for the third time as part of the company’s purpose-driven volunteering initiative.

A VF Northern volunteer said: “Tiger are doing some really great things for the community, so it’s definitely a place worth supporting.”

All of the profit made from our makes and sustainable living range contributes to the costs needed to keep Tiger running, so we can continue to do our bit for the community.

To celebrate Easter weekend, a group of visitors joined our avid crafter Gill for a relaxing Easter wreath-making session.

Made out of entirely sustainable materials, the plastic greenery was kindly donated from IKEA, and each wreath was beautifully decorated with flowers and bows made from recycled clothing and fabric.

The weekly crochet group were out enjoying the Spring sunshine with experienced teacher Barbara, as she demonstrated how to do a perfect ‘magic circle’.

A group member said: “It’s a very enjoyable and relaxing activity.

“I also like how it isn’t just a skill to learn, as you get something you’ve made to take away from each lesson.”

At Tiger, we believe that being creative together is a great way to connect with others, while also discovering your potential.

Our hub therefore offers a safe and supportive environment for anyone who needs a moment to escape from the busyness of life.

Absolutely everyone is welcome to come and join us, our craft-making classes are suitable for people with all abilities.

If you would like to support Tiger to run more community-based activities, please make a donation through our Crowdfunder:

Wellbeing Day at Tiger

March 17th, 2023

 Visitors started arriving early to enjoy our Wellbeing Day at Tiger Community Hub. By the end of the day the whole cafe space had become a little social with everyone making new friends.

Gill was busy all day showing and helping people make spring wreaths from donated greenery, fabric, ribbon, buttons and beads. Everyone spread out so there wasn’t a restriction on numbers and creativity flourished.

Chyrisse had a full list for the hand massages and managed to pamper everyone on the list during the 4 hours.

There were also off shoots of people enjoying some mindful colouring too.

We pulled together a wide range of flyers from community organisations signposting support and Sam from Victim Support manned the table and chatted to people about the range of wellbeing support available across Nottingham.

There was vegetable curry, bean chilli, carrot and coriander soup and toasties on the menu and we fed nearly 40 people with copious amounts of tea and coffee consumed through the day.

Everyone left with a smile, thanks for the great day and excited to come and visit again.

I also received a touching message afterwards from one of the attendees - “Just wanted to say how fabulous your space is. Sometimes you might not know what you have created. A safe space. It’s a small thing but not for me and X. It’s the first place I am beginning to call my son my son without explanation or judgement. That’s an amazing thing. And I was over the moon that he brought a couple of his friends down and left them comfortable in themselves. I’m telling you this because you need to know that some things cannot be measured by numbers or money. Rather not say it in earshot of X but thankyou and your people for having such a positive impact on our lives. Oh yes. And of course there’s the craft, food and getting out. Have a super weekend and never doubt the good you do.”

This says it all about why we opened Tiger Community Hub.

We were grateful to receive support to help us put on our Wellbeing Day from Nottingham City Council.

If you would like to support Tiger to run more community activity please make a donation through our Crowdfunder.

Working with University of Nottingham to reduce fuel poverty

January 30th, 2023

University of Nottingham workshops aim to reduce fuel poverty one meal at a time.

An outreach project, led by the University of Nottingham, hopes to reduce fuel poverty in the city one meal at a time by teaching people how to make their own energy saving slow cooker.

At a time when the cost of living is at its highest level in a decade, people across the UK are doing all they can to try and minimise their household bills. With 17% of an average household’s energy bills being consumed in the kitchen, according to the Energy Saving Trust, the Faculty of Engineering’s Food, Water, Waste research group has teamed up with Tiger Community Enterprise CIC to deliver workshops for volunteers.

The project has been inspired by the concept of hayboxes, as well as the simple but revolutionary non-electric slow cookers that originated in South Africa. After bringing a pot of food to the boil on a stove, they can cook food for up to eight hours without any additional energy source – which could not only save households money on their bills in the long run but simultaneously cut down their carbon footprint too.

Mike Clifford, Associate Professor at the University of Nottingham, said: “One area of my work is looking into how we can adopt safer, cleaner and more energy-efficient cooking technologies – and this work has taken me to several countries where I’ve seen a variety of approaches.

“During a cooking exhibition in Ghana, I was introduced to the concept and was instantly impressed by its simplicity, safety, price, and environmental benefits. Cooking with this principle reduces fuel consumption by 70%, as all you do is bring a pot of food to the boil on the stove and then transfer it to the bag where it will continue cooking – just like a slow cooker.

“Ever since I was introduced to this fantastic piece of technology and its benefits, I’ve been keen to work with the Nottingham community to help people not only reduce their household bills and carbon footprint but maybe even learn some new recipes at the same time - and Tiger was the perfect candidate.”

Tiger Community Enterprise CIC was set up to aid individuals and organisations in their growth. It has since evolved to encompass the Tiger Community Hub, which delivers projects that offer a wide range of opportunities for people to enhance their own skills, supports the mental health of the community, and works with partners to offer a wide range of activities.

Toni Jarvis, Director at Tiger, said: “We are excited by this new project to produce a Tiger Slow Cook Bag using this principle. We’re using different insulation in the prototypes, including fleece from a local rare breed of sheep, and testing the efficiency of the bags. This will enable us to produce supporting literature and look at how best we can adapt the making of the bags to support the wider community.”

The first session took place at Tiger on Thursday 26 January, with more in the pipeline over coming weeks, where volunteers had the opportunity to create their own bag from scratch, test out the efficacy of different materials and put the bags to the test with a range of recipes.

Mike added: “With household bills soaring, we’re all looking to identify new ways to reduce the impact on our day-to-day lives, and I hope that these workshops will go some way to providing another option for people when it comes to minimising outgoings. This is just the first of what I hope will be many workshops with Tiger and the people of Nottingham, and I look forward to introducing more people to this fascinating way of cooking.”

More information is available from Mike Clifford, Faculty of Engineering at the University of Nottingham, at; or Danielle Hall, Media Relations Manager at the University of Nottingham, at or 0115 846 7156.    

Support our Warm Tiger Days

January 30th, 2023

by Toni Jarvis

“We've launched a crowdfunder to raise money to support our Warm Tiger Days”

Our Warm Tiger Days are about bringing the community into a warm space.

Whilst with us they can take part in activities, will be given hot drinks and a home made hot lunch.

All of this is free of charge (we do accept donations if you wish) and is aimed to save you a day of energy during this cost of living crisis.

Our first Warm Tiger Days were supported by our local councillors Sam Webster and Angharad Roberts.

However in order to fund more - hopefully through to April - we decided on a crowdfunder campaign as we can also get match funding from Coop Warm Spaces Fund.

We got off to a great start and are already in to our stretch target.

Please help:

Coop Members Choose Us

November 10th, 2022

 by Toni Jarvis

“We are really excited to have been chosen as a Coop Local Cause this year”

Every year Coop members get to support organisations local to their Coop store. By choosing a cause the organisation benefits every time a member shops at Coop.

It's a few pence every time and those pennies add up to a remarkable amount by the end of the period in October 2023.

The money raised by members for Tiger Community Hub will help us grow our social eating offer. 

Food is a great way to bring people together from all backgrounds.

Being able to share surplus food, cook and eat together is a lovely way to make friends and build connections in the community.

We also feel this is a way of supporting people who are struggling with the financial crisis without stigmatising them.

If you would like to choose us you can use the Coop App, call customer services or use this link: Choose Us

Lots happening at Tiger Community Hub

November 10th, 2022

 by Toni Jarvis

“Tiger supports people and we have definitely been doing that over the last few months.”

The Tiger Community Hub has been open since April and the time has flown!

The focus has been on working with lots of different organisations to grow the range of community activities on offer.

Arts and crafts are still at the core of our offer, however, we have a lot wider range now:

Peer support for mental health and trauma with Brave

English, art and work skills for refugees with Refugee Roosts

Menopause Cafe with Evolve

Craftivism with Deacon Julie

Arts and Makers with XR

Crochet with Barbara

Dementia Drop In with Trent Dementia

Mother & Toddler Group

Gig Nights with local artists

Soap Making

Along with room hire available - both the activity space and the meeting room.

The food offerings have expanded in the cafe with Hot Food Tuesday and various hot food options on other days. Don't forget we are open every day for hot and cold drinks, sandwiches, snacks and cake.

We are very keen to support people struggling with the cost of living and are currently trying to access funding for Warm Tiger Days. In the meantime we ran a Wellbeing Day that included free food and drinks along with activities and information to improve wellbeing. You are welcome to join us and sit for a while in a friendly space if you are out and about.

We are adding to our fundraising activities by introducing our Gig Nights. Join us for a chilled live music session with local artists. With a bar and light food snacks served, it is a great night out whilst helping us raise vital funds to keep the roof over our heads.

The Gig Nights are run in partnership with Refugee Roots and money raised on the night helps both organisations continue offering support services at Tiger Community Hub.

We do still have our ever popular 'prize every time' tombola running, so please have a go when you are in.

How can you get involved?

•Come and visit us, whether it’s a quick coffee while you’re on the go, a browse through our shop, or joining one of our community activities (link on the event page)

•Follow us on social media, like, comment, and share what we do. The best way to signpost people towards activities that may support them is to share, share, share. (links below)

•Volunteer for us, we have a wide range of volunteering opportunities for people of all age ranges and skills sets, whether you want to help in our café or even if you want to run your own workshop.

•Use our space: are you part of a local community group looking for space to get together or run activities? We can support you! Email:

•Donate, we are always in need of more resources to run our activities and continue to support the community. 

If you would like to make a financial donation, you can  do so on our home page.

If you’d like to donate items such as fabric, crafting material, sewing machines, etc please contact directly.

Twitter: @tigershowcases

Instagram: @tigershowcases

Upcoming Activities

•Simple Crafting with Tracylee every Friday @ 11am & 1pm

• Crafting with Gill Wednesday @ 10am - 12pm

•Crochet with Barbara Thursdays @ 1pm - 3pm

•Follow us on social media, more sessions are being added every day including special events 

Supporting Nottingham residents with the new Tiger Community Hub

April 11th, 2022

 by Marielle Newton

“Tiger is Passionate about supporting people to grow through motivation, confidence, and skills building. It is at the heart of all our projects. We help people to help themselves.”

The Tiger Community Hub is now officially open! This major community milestone in the city center features a community-run café, sustainability range and volunteer makes in our shop, as well as ample space for a wide range of activities and workshops run by both us and other community groups from around the city. Project Director Toni Jarvis said of the opening “We are very pleased to have hit our opening date target. We’ve had a quiet start which has enabled us to settle into the space and we are now looking forward to seeing lots of people in the next few weeks coming to join us for free activities or a cuppa and cake in the café.”

At Tiger, we feel that sewing and crafting activities not only foster a sense of community but also support people’s mental health, something we as organisation feel passionate about. As we emerge into life post covid, we have a chance to hone that community spirit and support each other during what continues to be difficult times. The Tiger Community Hub will be a safe and welcoming space for all members of the Nottingham community.

How can you get involved?

There are a wide variety of ways you can get involved and support us;

•Come and visit us, whether it’s a quick coffee while you’re on the go, a browse through our shop, or joining one of our community activities (see upcoming schedule below)

•Follow us on social media, like, comment, and share what we do. The best way to signpost people towards activities that may support them is to share, share, share. (links below)

•Volunteer for us, we have a wide range of volunteering opportunities for people of all age ranges and skills sets, whether you want to help in our café or even if you want to run your own workshop.

•Use our space: are you part of a local community group looking for space to get together or run activities? We can support you! Email:

•Donate, we are always in need of more resources to run our activities and continue to support the community. If you would like to make a financial donation, you can visit our website, alternatively, if you’d like to donate items such as fabric, crafting material, sewing machines, etc please contact directly.


Twitter: @tigershowcases

Instagram: @tigershowcases

Upcoming Activities

•Simple Crafting with Tracylee every Monday and Friday @ 10am & 1pm

•Yoga, Monday afternoons, start date TBC

•Spring Crafting with Gill 13th & 27th April @ 10am

•Crochet with Barb Thursdays @ 1pm

•Follow us on social media, more sessions are being added every day including special events for the Platinum Jubilee and Pride month.

Tiger brings community to the City Centre

March 21st, 2022

 by Marielle Newton

Tiger Community Enterprise CIC is working hard to open our new community hub by Spring 2022. The hub is based at 19-21 Lister Gate, Nottingham, and aims to increase community outreach in the city center for all city and county residents. This location was specifically chosen for easy accessibility via car and public transport from all over the county, whilst simultaneously bringing life to a quiet area of the city center.

The Tiger Community Hub will engage and support the community in a variety of ways including activities and workshops, volunteer opportunities, providing space for other local community groups, and a shop/café area for people to socialize and engage in simple mindful crafting activities.

Tiger CE CIC took over the lease on the 1st Feb and has already had a lovely window display created by Nottinghamshire Federation Women’s Institute. Just one of the many organizations we plan on working within the hub. Over the next few weeks, the Tiger Team is working on setting up the premises to be furnished and ready to soft open by the beginning of April.

We are currently looking for volunteers for a wide range of roles including work in the shop and café, supporting activity workshops, help with moving and setting up the new premises. If people are interested in volunteering they need to email – the email should include availability, relevant skills/roles interested in, any accessibility needs, and a good contact number. Marielle Newton, Director at Tiger said “This is a great opportunity for people to develop skills and give back to their community, whether you are looking for experience to build your CV or just have some free time and want to support your local community, we have a range of opportunities available. Throughout the pandemic, we saw both a large increase in the need for community support, as well as people from all walks of life wanting to get involved and support community projects.”

Full list of volunteer roles

•Cafe Assistants (Will be given food safety training)

•Stock Assistant and Window Dresser

•Workshop facilitator

•Workshop Assistant

•Social Media support


•Community Making: Either inhouse or at home (Make community items, currently drain bags, hearts, and sanitary wear)

And we are in!

February 19th, 2022

 by Toni Jarvis

Finally! We have new premises.

We got the keys at the beginning of February and have been busy planning and organising the work needed to get our new space ready to open at 19-21 Listergate, Nottingham City Centre.

First job is the floor - levelling and painting. Then the workmen are in fitting sockets and getting the plumbing in.

We will then be ready to invite volunteers to come in and help.

There is a list of jobs to do:

  • Build a cafe counter out of pallets

  • Build outside barriers out of pallets

  • Make signage - if you've been saving plastic bottle tops for us, now is the time to get them to us

  • Make screens - wooden frames with fabric panels

  • Basement - scrape walls

  • Basement - paint walls

  • Move items from storage

  • Sort stock and materials

  • Prep shop

  • Prep activity space

  • Set up cafe area

Lots of people have said they want to help, now's the time to get in touch and let us know your availability. Please email:

Keep in touch with our activities via our Facebook pages:

Tiger Green Textiles

Tiger Community Enterprise CIC

2022 and still making for the community

January 21st, 2022

 by Toni Jarvis

We sure have been quiet for a while!

After a busy pandemic making items for the frontline and vulnerable groups we were expecting to drop back a bit and refocus on community activities and getting the Tiger Community Hub up and running.

However, things got delayed!

We moved out of Carrington Street with no new home to go to, so everything had to go into storage.

​We are hoping for good news soon and will announce it when we can.

This hasn't stopped us from being busy though.

We've continued with our community making. Our Super Project relys on volunteer support with making our reusable sanitary wear so we can give starter packs to those in period poverty.

We have also been responding to requests from local hospitals in need of drain bags. This is a great project for less experienced sewers and is also a great way to recycle duvets and other bedding.

Keep in touch with our activities via our Facebook pages:

Tiger Green Textiles

The Super Project

What happens if we don’t hit our Crowdfunding target? 

August 10st, 2021

by Toni Jarvis

As you can see we are quite a way off our target and that may stop you from supporting us.

Please don’t let it stop you, this project is going ahead.

Our £50k target is based on our best scenario – raising enough money to move in, adapt all the hub areas so we can maximise capacity and support overheads for the first 6 months.

It is a big ask, so we will continue to fundraise for as long as is necessary.

However, as soon as we get our move in date we will get the community hub up and running as quickly as possible.

Stage 1:

Recreate how we have been working at the Urban Room.

Move everything into the new premises.

Arrange the shop area, stocking it initially with our volunteer makes and surplus fabric and haberdashery

Get our tables and machines in and set up so we can carry on with our community making and prepping for our volunteers who work from home.

Set up an activity space so we can run community recycling workshops, crafts workshops and skills classes

Get a basic café kitchen set up so we can sell a range of drinks and snacks

Take on volunteers to support all areas

Employ Kickstarters for all areas, starting their training journey with us

Stage 2:

Partition off Activity Space areas – allowing us to put on more activities and work with partners to facilitate

Furnish the Activity spaces with tables, chairs, shelving and cabinets.

Work with partners to put on a wide selection of activities to support all ages and abilities

Increase the display area, adding appropriate display cabinets and shelving

Bring on local producers to help stock the shop, showcasing their talents

Increase the number of volunteer opportunities and kickstarter roles

Employ additional staff to help manage the activities, shop and café

Stage 3:

Decorate and furnish the first floor

Add dedicated space for production and training, purchasing necessary equipment to support this

Upgrade the café kitchen to increase our capacity to serve people

Work with partners to support and increase training opportunities for volunteers and staff

Continue to increase activities until we have a full programme supporting the whole community

Stage 4:

Upgrade the 2nd floor rooms so they can be hired by partners to run their own wellbeing activities

Identify and add any activities that are missing, ensuring we have something for all ages and abilities

Continue with any decorating or adaptions in the other areas

Look at our staffing, volunteer and training opportunities, ensure we are maximising our capacity and working with as many different people as possible.

So ultimately the more money we can raise funds, the quicker we can get through these stages and run at full capacity. 


Our new crowdfunder has arrived!

August 10th, 2021

by Marielle Newton

We have a vision at Tiger - to put smiles on peoples faces, help them to grow, providing opportunities to build skills, confidence and self esteem.

For over 8 years now Tiger has been working hard to do this through a range of textile and craft activities and other projects including our street markets, work skills projects and our community streetfood stall.

Over the last 18 months our work has grown exponentially to support our local community through the pandemic. This has included making scrubs and other important items for NHS frontline workers and vulnerable groups around the county, with the help of 100s of volunteers. We've tipped 33,000 makes given away.

The main feedback from the volunteers involved with this project was that having a community activity to focus on gave them much needed relief from social isolation and was a life saver for their mental health. These experiences, along with scientific research, shows the positive affects sewing and craft activities can have on mental health and general wellbeing. Having an 'I made that moment' boosts confidence and self esteem and puts a smile on faces.

We want to maintain the momentum that we have built over the last 18 months, working with and supporting thousands of people through our activities.

This coincides with the impending loss of the workshop space we are currently in. However, this gives us the opportunity to expand our operation, harnessing the community spirit that has kept people going through the pandemic and focusing it in a new space that will provide wellbeing support for people across Nottinghamshire.

Our plan is to open a community hub with a focus on mental health and wellbeing. Where you get a welcome at the door, like visiting a friend.

There will be a cafe, whether you are on your own or with a friend you can sit and relax, maybe do a small crafting activity at the table or just enjoy the ambiance. A shop will be an outlet for our volunteer makes and will provide a space for local artisans to share their creations. The cafe and shop will also ensure the hub is financially sustainable and therefore un-reliant on grant funding.

There will be dedicated space for a wide range of daily community activities. That will include arts and crafts, upcycling and recycling and wellbeing activities.

We will also have space to continue our volunteer production of handmade items, providing skills training, community makes for vulnerable groups - such as our SuPer Project (sustainable periods for all) along with stock for the shop.

Within the framework will be opportunities for work placements and training, with a focus on young people.

The space will be open to and encourage engagement with all members of the community, of all ages, but to do this we need your help to get started.

We have set an initial target of £50,000 to help us move in and to contribute to set up costs. The plan is then to move to financial sustainability through income generation in the various hub areas.

If we surpass this amount it will enable us to provide more services quicker, which will allow us to provide more workshops and support more people.

Donate here: 

How the SuPer Project came to be

May 6, 2021

by Marielle Newton

To say this project has been a long journey may be an understatement. My first big project for Tiger has been slowly blossoming for a few years now, and here we are about to launch. This is really a passion project for both myself and Toni, so both nerves and tensions are high for its success.

I have a professional blurb that explains this project, but I feel the best way to express the passion that created this project is to just start at the beginning.

As a CIC it’s always at the forefront of our minds to respond to the needs of our community and during workshops one question that came up often was the idea of making reusable sanitary wear. From this Toni began researching design, playing with patterns and making prototypes. She launched a few workshops to test the idea and feedback was pretty great. However, before we could take the project any further COVID hit and the immediate needs of our community changed. For almost a year our key focus became For The Love of Scrubs and supporting the frontline. Throughout this time sanitary wear stayed in the back of our minds and we did research whenever we had a spare chance.

From this research we found that period poverty in the UK had risen by a third in the UK since the start of the pandemic. It was hard to get my mind around the fact that in this day and age something as basic as period care was still such a prominent issue in the UK, yet we rarely hear about it in the mainstream media.

Although there are some brilliant organisations trying to help the issue, many either focused on disposable sanitary wear, which isn’t financially or environmentally sustainable, or international period poverty. Yet it seems like such a perfect solution, using reusable sanitary wear not only supports in the short term, but it massively reduces costs and environmental impact in the long run. Making the most vulnerable in our society more resilient against period poverty.

The main thing standing in the way of switching to reusable sanitary wear is the initial cost. We realised that one way we could overcome this was to run a Buy One Give One scheme similar to the one we run for our facemasks. By providing free of charge to vulnerable people we are not only combatting period poverty but breaking down the barrier to a more sustainable way of living.

Our volunteer sewers are just starting to get their teeth into this project and we will be ready to distribute our free sanitary wear in the summer once we’ve had a chance to build up a good stock. In the mean time, we are starting to upload sanitary wear to our online store which you can find here:

If you want to support our cause to improve access to the reusable sanitary wear you can donate to our crowdfunding campaign here:

We are always looking for volunteers who want to help with the project, follow us on Facebook to get involved:

We are thinking big for 2021

February 6, 2021

A number of great things came out of 2020 for Tiger. 

We got to work with and support 100s of people, our fabulous FTLOS volunteers, our growing Tiger Team, the frontline key workers and the vulnerable groups we supplied scrubs, accessories and face masks to.

Our central hub at the Urban Room, 38 Carrington Street is a good space to allow our team to work socially distanced and coordinate the making and distribution of 1000's of items for the community.

We have made some lovely friends and seen lots of acts of kindness, support and community spirit along the way.

We want to continue all of this through 2021.

Use of the Urban Room has always been temporary until restrictions lifted enough for it to go back to it's previous activities. We are therefore looking for new premises. We will be launching a crowdfunder shortly to raise funds to make this happen.

Our ideal new space will be big enough to house a cafe and shop. a community activity space and a training space. Providing a friendly, welcoming community space whether you want to sit down for a coffee and cafe, or get involved in our creative activities.

The other main aim for 2021 is to become financially sustainable, hence the cafe and shop. 

2020 was a financial rollercoaster chasing grant funding and fundraising to ensure we could pay the bills and cover the cost of supplies for our makes.

We have a website to sell our makes and sustainable living range, which contributes to costs:

Our Tiger Green Textiles is about bringing people together to learn and share skills with a focus on recycling. There are lots of other benefits with our activities too which support mental health, increased self esteem and confidence, pride in your achievements and not forgetting the friends you will make.

Our new home will allow us to do this and more, offering work placements to young people, volunteering opportunities, community workshops and other wellbeing activities. We will also continue to support our friends isolating in their homes, ensuring they are not alone.

You can connect with us on social media:

Facebook: Tiger Community Enterprise CIC and Tiger Green Textiles

Instagram: @tigershowcases

Twitter: @tigershowcases and @tigergreentex

You can still support our costs to supply items to the community through our donations link:

Get in touch if you have any questions:

The end of our Crowdfunder and plans for the New Year

December 20, 2020

Well this year has been a rollercoaster and unfortunately for many is ending on a low with the tightening of restrictions. Our hearts go out to everyone who is no longer able to spend Christmas with their family.

We have now broken up for the Christmas period so our Tiger Team can have a well deserved rest!

I cannot thank all our volunteers enough for their contributions this year. Our FTLOS volunteers out in the field have consistently made and sent makes, via their hubs, to the Tiger Team at Carrington Street to sort and distribute out to requesters.

We have supported 100s of hospital departments, care homes, respite care, community nurses, GPs and nurses, numbering 1000s of people! The make count is over 30,000 items!

This has been achieved by 100s of volunteers all contributing varying amounts, however, the group dynamic has resulted in the amazing total. It has also only been possible with the help of our supporters contributing to our costs of supplies, whether that be through this crowdfunder, donations of money and fabrics and sales through our website and walk ins at Carrington Street.

I would have hoped to be saying that our job is done, however, we are still getting in requests, all be it fewer and farther between. Therefore, we will still be responding and supplying these in the New Year.

Feedback from our volunteers has shown that many have found being part of our FTLOS group has been beneficial to their mental health, some saying it has been a life saver during lockdown to be part of a social group and to focus on those in need. Another benefit has been an increase in sewing skills. Hannah, one of our Tiger Team at Carrington Street, is a prime example of this. She has gone from a slightly erratic sewer, without confidence in her abilities, to our Queen of masks! She also makes a large amount of the items you see for sale on our website:

With this in mind we will be planning new activities for next year that will support disadvantaged groups across Nottinghamshire and continue to bring our volunteers together. As soon as is safe, we will also get our volunteers in to visit us for some social sewing and to get to know each other face to face.

I hope that you will continue to follow our progress and join us on our community journey to help people build their skills, self esteem and confidence and support community mental health and wellbeing.

You can connect with us on social media:

Facebook: Tiger Community Enterprise CIC and Tiger Green Textiles

Instagram: @tigershowcases

Twitter: @tigershowcases and @tigergreentex

You can still support our costs to supply items to the community through our donations link:

We wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year.

Love from Toni, the Tiger Team and FTLOS volunteers xxx

Thanks to The National Lottery for COVID funding

November 19, 2020

As we hit 30,000 makes with the FTLOS group we also had good news that The National Lottery had agreed funding to contribute to our staffing and overheads, as part of the COVID emergency funding provision from the Government.

This is a great help to ensure we have valuable staff on board to help support our 100s of volunteers working from home and coordinate all the makes in and out. Thanks to Lottery players and the Government for making this possible.

Scrubs requests are still coming through from a range organisations and individuals and we are prepared for an influx as vaccinations start to roll out.

If you need scrubs request them here

If you need face coverings for your vulnerable group request them here

Buy reusable face coverings from us here

Follow our community project on social media:

Facebook: Tiger Green Textiles


Project Director: Toni Jarvis –

Best Kept Secret!

September 14, 2020

So we are in the middle of the crowdfunder and it's going slower than expected!

We've been out and about over the last couple of weeks giving out reusable face masks - disposable ones are very bad for the environment! - and talking to people about the work we are doing with Nottingham For The Love Of Scrubs. Our amazing volunteers across the county working away in their front rooms and the 28,000 makes they have achieved so far.

These have been given to hospitals, care homes, community nurses, GP surgeries, schools, food banks and homeless charities, plus many individuals who have contacted us.

We have raised over £550 towards our offline fundraising target thanks to the generosity of the people who visited our stalls to pick up a mask.

This project has taken over our world during lockdown so it has been surprising to find out how few people are aware of us and what we are doing. I take heart from this when I look at our crowdfunder total and hope that our opportunities to speak to people directly will result in a late rush to support!

If you have been touched by the work we have been doing over the last  6 months please help us now.

If you are able to make a donation to our crowdfunding campaign we would appreciate it.

However, it would also be helpful to share the link to the crowdfunder far and wide so that we can gain as much support as possible to reach our target.

Here is the link: Support our crowdfunder

If you need scrubs request them here

If you need face coverings for your vulnerable group request them here

Buy reusable face coverings from us here

Follow our community project on social media:

Facebook: Tiger Green Textiles


Project Director: Toni Jarvis –

The crowdfunder is live - tell your friends

August 23, 2020

Hitting 28,000 makes and still receiving requests for scrubs and accessories meant it was time to plan ahead.

After reviewing our costs to date - both financial and in kind - we realised we needed the power of community spirit to ensure we can keep making whilst there is still a need.

Our hundreds of volunteers have been doing an amazing job and show the amazing results that lots of people doing a little can produce and the power of the community stepping up.

Not only do we receive lovely pictures and heartwarming thanks from frontline recipients of our makes, we also get lots of our volunteers telling us how being part of the project has helped them during lockdown to feel part of the community and how proud they are to be supporting NHS workers, frontline keyworkers and vulnerable groups.

If you have been touched by the work we have been doing over the last 5 months please help us now.

If you are able to make a donation to our crowdfunding campaign we would appreciate it.

However, it would also be helpful to share the link to the crowdfunder far and wide so that we can gain as much support as possible to reach our target.

Here is the link: Support our crowdfunder

If you need scrubs request them here

If you need face coverings for your vulnerable group request them here

Follow our community project on social media:

Facebook: Tiger Green Textiles


Project Director: Toni Jarvis –

28,000 items made and counting!

August 9, 2020

When we agreed to be the central hub for Nottingham - For The Love Of Scrubs group little did we know that we would still be at it in August.

4 months of making and the requests are still coming in. We have hit over 28,000 makes so far, these include scrubs, headbands, scrubs caps, laundry bags, ear savers and face masks for the NHS, community workers, frontline key workers and vulnerable groups around Nottinghamshire and some a little further afield. 

We have only been able to do this with the hard work and commitment of hundreds of volunteers giving their time to help with sewing, sharing information to their contacts, delivering requested items, running local hubs, coordinating distribution, managing supplies, admin of the facebook group and all the other things needed to ensure the smooth running of a group of over 1700 supporters . 

We also wouldn't have been able to get this far without the ongoing support of the managers of the Urban Room at 38 Carrington Street. Allowing us the socially distanced space needed to coordinate all the makes in and out to those in need. 

From an initial Go Fund Me campaign and donations of fabric both from the public and from Scrubs Glorious Scrubs, via the National FTLOS group to raising funds through to our Buy One Give One initiative on our face masks, Pay It Forward listing and donations link we have been able to keep on top of the costs of supplies.

We have also been able to pay a member of staff to coordinate logistics and communications and other overheads thanks to funding from the National Emergencies Fund, with volunteer costs being supported by Coop.

With talk of a second wave and enquiries for scrubs for the new intake of medical students, it looks like things aren't going to slow up any time soon. We are therefore putting plans in place so that we can continue to operate over the next 6 months, allowing us to continue responding to requests for help.

We will update you shortly on what those plans will be, including our next fundraising round to ensure we can meet all the costs necessary to keep the project going.

If you would like to make a donation - no matter how small it will be very much appreciated please use this link Donation

If you would like a purchase one of our face coverings and support our project please visit

For information on how to request free masks or scrubs if you are a frontline worker please visit our Facebook Page:

Facebook: Tiger Green Textiles


Project Director: Toni Jarvis –

New Partnership

June 15, 2020

I think it's fair to say it has been a very strange few months for all of us. 

When the pandemic first began we were completely thrown, especially as a small social enterprise whose main focus is engaging with our community. Our first instinct when lockdown began was to temporarily shut down like many other businesses did, we turned off our sales channels as we were unsure what the postage situation would be and cancelled all our upcoming events as we knew they wouldn’t be able to go ahead safely for the time being. 

However, there is nothing like strange situations to get the mind whirring with possibilities.

Toni’s first instinct was to make masks, but as they were a controversial topic at the start of lockdown we were unsure the best way to go about this and whether it would have value to our community. 

We also looked into creating onlin0tutorials to keep everyone entertained and crafting during lockdown.

Then we crossed paths with the Nottingham For The Love Of Scrubs group, who had just set up as the regional wing of the National FTLOS group and were making scrubs, headbands, laundry bags and ear savers for NHS facilities around Nottinghamshire. 

They were inundated with requests from local hospitals in vital needs of supplies. Due to our workshop space at 38 Carrington Street and the amount of volunteers who jumped at the opportunity to help, we took on one of their requests for 1500 headbands. 

From that our relationship with FTLOS grew and we quickly became their central hub to support their distribution and collection of donations, supplies and completed items around the city.

The Tiger Team has really come together during this time and it is amazing to see how a situation that could have separated us, has brought our community together! 

From volunteers sewing from home to help us fulfill requests, to our wonderful ladies (and John) who have been coming down to the unit 4 days a week like clockwork to ensure we can support Frontline workers to the best of our ability. 

We are now in a time of change, as we take on more responsibility to support the Nottingham FTLOS group, and continue to make items to support our frontline.

With the guidelines changing all the time, we eventually decided that now is the right time to produce face coverings and have begun to make these, both to donate to frontline workers and sell to members of the public wishing to buy masks. 

We decided to sell them on a Buy One Give One basis so that we could raise some funds to contribute to our increased supplies costs.

It looks like things are only getting busier for us, it is wonderful to be heading in such a positive direction to support our community even in such strange and unfamiliar times! 

With our volunteers working isolated but not alone to the frontline workers placed in vulnerable positions daily, we are working to our core aims of helping people to help themselves by building skills and confidence through our projects.

If you would like a purchase one of our face coverings and support our project please visit

For information on how to request free masks if you are a frontline worker please visit our Facebook Page:

Facebook: Tiger Green Textiles


Project Director: Toni Jarvis –

COVID-19 Update

April 23, 2020

Due to the UK currently being in lockdown, we have made some temporary changes to the way we run our social enterprise to ensure we can continue to support our local community.

We are currently not holding any community workshops or events to ensure the safety of all our volunteers and attendees.

Usually at this time of year we would have dusted off our StrEAT food stall and be out in the community serving delicious food, this is a vital income generator for us and is therefore a big blow, however we don't stay down for long.

Whilst we may not be able to run our Tiger Green Project workshops as normal we have stepped up to support the NHS making various items for local hospitals. We have mobilised our Tiger Community to sew at home and set up the Urban Room to produce in bulk with a small number of volunteers - following strict social distancing rules. Its a great way for our community to work isolated but not alone - we are one big team.

There are many ways you can support us during this time.

If you live in Nottingham and can sew you can volunteer your time to making items to be gifted to our local NHS, additionally we are accepting donations of fabric, buttons, elastic and financial donations towards costs. We have already been overwhelmed by the response from the community and any support no matter how big or small is greatly appreciated. For more information, get in touch via our Contact Us page.

Facebook: Tiger Green Textiles


Project Director: Toni Jarvis –

Learn Sewing Skills

January 2nd, 2020

We have been running a variety of sewing classes with different partners over the last couple of years.

We are pleased to continue our partnership with AC Crafts on Nuthall Road and will continue to add classes on Tuesday evenings into the diary. Already there are Learn to sew: Vintage Cushion with zipper closure and Reusable Sanitary Wear.

We also have a new class partner - Wasteless Shop at Artworks in Beeston. The first Reusable Sanitary Wear class is in the diary and we will be repeating more if they are popular.

We've run a few of the Sanitary Wear classes with Shop Zero Nottingham and hope to add more dates in 2020.

Now we are in our new unit in the basement of 38 Carrington Street we will be running additional classes from there.

If there is a skill you want to learn, or a make we don't have on our class list please get in touch as we may be able to add it.

If you already sew and just want to brush up your skills you are welcome to come along to our Community Recycling Workshops and help out, or work on your own project with help available.

We can also run customised classes for your community group, get in touch for details and a quote of costs.

Facebook: Tiger Green Textiles


Project Director: Toni Jarvis –

Welcome to our New Home

November 22nd, 2019

So it’s been a while since we’ve updated our blog. Not enough hours in the day and spinning many plates means something gets lost in the mix, I’m sure you can relate to that.

We are so excited to have a new space to call home.

We officially launched our move into the Basement at 38 Carrington Street, Nottingham, NG2 3AQ on Tuesday 12 November with a Welcome Day.

The afternoon was filled with activities with a recycling theme, including making Happiness Bags – a mini workshop we run at community events – and making Keyrings – one of the activities we do our Tiger Activity Café at Bakersfield Community Centre on Tuesday mornings.

You may guess from this that the main project that will be running from our new home is our community recycling project – Tiger Green Textiles (TGT). Our StrEAT Food Stall operates at events and our new Tiger Work Skills project will also run from the Basement once we have secured funding.

During the evening we were entertained by a fabulous young singer Alice Lynn, whilst we tucked into a buffet and drinks.

It feels like we’ve been nomads over the last year or so, with no base to work out of. That’s meant that our own home has got very full from the donations regularly given to the TGT project! We were running the risk of being put forward for the programme about serial hoarders!

More frustrating though has been knowing we could be doing more to turn all those preloved materials into new makes and bring people together.

Our welcome event took place in the Urban Room – the ground floor level community meeting room, funded by the Heritage Lottery and available for the community to use.

It was so nice to get all our supporters, friends and partners together so they could get to know each other as well as finding out more about us as a community enterprise and why we do what we do – helping people to help themselves.

Being positioned a minute from the Train Station our new home is easily accessible by public transport and we will be welcoming people to join us for our monthly Community Recycling Workshops commencing Saturday 11 January and running on the 2nd Saturday of each month throughout the year. 

These workshops bring people together to learn and share skills whilst recycling materials into a range of new makes. We have lots of fun, everyone has a voice about what we do and everyone leaves with a smile on their face.

We will also be adding Learn to Sew classes to the diary, working with partner organisations running recycling/upcycling workshops and offering volunteer and work experience opportunities with production of our Sustainable Living range – an income generator that supports our community activities.

Whether you are interested in recycling or learning to sew yourself or work with a community group that would like to explore recycling, we would welcome a chat on how you can participate in our project. Whilst we have a lovely new unit to run workshops out of we are also happy to come to you if that works better, so get in touch.

Facebook: Tiger Green Textiles


Project Director: Toni Jarvis –

Tiger Activity Cafe

May 1st, 2019

At Tiger we love bringing people together and we also like to get creative. So when BANCA (Bakersfield Community Centre) asked us if we would be able to run a community activity cafe for them we jumped at the chance. 

The concept is simple - visitors can just come for a cuppa and a bit of company or they can also immerse themselves in our art and craft activities too and release their inner child. It's not about the finished results but the joy of creating something and feeling that wonderful 'I made that' moment.

Taking part in creative activities is a very therapeutic experience, it's relaxing, you can lose yourself in the moment and build your confidence in your achievements.

We will have a selection of activities available each week, from simple things such as adult colouring, to more involved crafts such as making keyrings or jewellery.

There is a flat charge of £3.50 to participate in the art and craft activities (you get to take your makes home), also included is a cuppa and biscuits.

We will also have a community priced menu for those not participating in the activities including drinks, cake, snacks and sandwiches.

We launch on Tuesday 14 May, from 10am - 12pm

Venue:      Bakersfield Community Centre, 312 Sneinton Dale, Nottingham

The sessions will initially run for 10 weeks until the Summer Holidays. If successful we will look at running on a more permanent basis from September.

We welcome everyone in the community to come along. The activities are aimed at adults, however, children are welcome as long as they are fully supervised by an adult.

If you would like to know more about any of the above get in touch - email:

Make sure to connect/give us a follow on....

Facebook – TigerGreenTextiles 

Twitter - @tigergreentex

Sewing with Tiger

March 15th, 2019

Sewing is a big part of our Tiger Green Textiles project, along with knitting and crochet.

We have a number of options for people to participate with us, depending on whether your focus is learning to sew or being creative in a friendly environment.

We are passionate about recycling and sustainable living and try to incorporate it into all the sessions that we run, as well as ensuring everyone has fun and leaves with a smile on their face.

Core to the project are our Community Workshops. These workshops bring people together in a creative atmosphere to learn and share skills whilst turning pre-loved materials into beautiful new makes, mainly sewing with the occasional knitting and crochet.

Free to attend and accessible to all, these sessions build confidence and self-esteem and provide the opportunity to make new friends.

We are looking for community groups to host community workshops with their group, whether it's a one off session to make a project or a series of sessions to grow your own recycling group.

Following feedback from taster sessions in the area we started a Sewing Group at Bakersfield Community Centre (BANCA) in Sneinton. Open to all in the community to take part, you can bring your own sewing projects and get help from Toni and the group. We have machines available to use and lots of space for cutting out.

These sessions are a great way to build your sewing skills and make new friends.

We also  work with AC Crafts on Nuthall Road, running sewing classes and occasional crochet classes. You can work at your own pace, choosing your projects as you go along. You will get ongoing tuition to build your skills.

If you would like to know more about any of the above get in touch - email:

Make sure to connect/give us a follow on....

Facebook – TigerGreenTextiles 

Twitter - @tigergreentex

We are a Coop Local Cause

February 21st, 2019

We are excited to have been chosen as one of the Coop Local Causes for the NG8 cluster of Coop Stores and Funeral Care for 2019.

The Coop gave away over 19 million pounds to causes across the country in 2018.

How does it work?

Coop Members (blue card holders) receive 5% on their card for purchases of Coop products.

However, an additional 1% of what you spend is donated to local causes.

So by choosing your Local Cause you are supporting them every time you shop at the Co-op

It's simple to do:

Do you have your blue members card? If not, ask instore

Follow this link to our cause page:

Log in to your members area

Select us as your Local Cause

Money raised as a Coop Local Cause will be used to support our Tiger Green Textiles project.

TGT is a community recycling project, taking preloved materials and turning them into lovely new makes.

We run community recycling workshops and making days, welcoming the community to join us in our recycling mission.

It is an opportunity to learn and share skills including sewing, knitting and crochet in a fun and friendly environment.

You get to make new friends, experience the joy of making, get recycling ideas and do your bit for the planet.

We ensure our community workshops are accessible to all in the community, including disabled and older people.

Our target at the end of each session is for everyone to leave with a smile.

We are actively seeking community groups in Nottingham that would like to host our Community Recycling Workshop.

We will bring everything needed including materials, sewing machines and lots of ideas.

If you would like to get in touch please email:

Make sure to connect/give us a follow on....

Facebook – TigerGreenTextiles 

Twitter - @tigergreentex

Sewing in the community

October 28th, 2018

Our community recycling project has been busy over the last few months.

Although we haven't been able to fit in many community recycling workshops we did manage a community making day with VF Northern.

Their members of staff helped launch our Sewing Group, joining us to learn some new skills and help to turn our preloved materials into fabulous makes.

Our Sewing Group continues to run on Thursday mornings 9am - 12pm at Bakersfield Community Centre in Sneinton (until 22 November).

Bring your sewing project and work in a friendly environment, getting help where needed, taking advantage of the space for cutting out and using our machines.

This is a free to attend activity supported by Nottingham Together.

You are welcome to join us.

If you would like to get in touch please email:

Make sure to connect/give us a follow on....

Facebook – TigerGreenTextiles 

Twitter - @tigergreentex

Nottingham StrEAT - Smithy Row on 7th July 2018

June 25th, 2018

Our flagship Nottingham StrEAT is back in Nottingham City Centre throughout 2018.

It is not long to go now until our next outing, starting on Saturday 7th July. Open to the public 10am - 5pm. 

Smithy Row runs along the side of the Council House in Nottingham City Centre, joining Clumber Street to the Market Square.

This community street market showcases the best of local businesses and community projects, you can find out what is happening in the good city of Nottingham and surrounds.  Support local community projects, treat your self to a streetfood lunch and find some unique gift items to take home.

Heading up the streetfood will be our own community StrEAT Food Stall serving up delicious Duck Fat Roast Potatoes, Steak and Ale Stew and BBQ Chicken. Offering work experience to young people and supporting Tiger Community Enterprise projects from the profits.

We will have our other community project in attendance - Tiger Green Textiles. This is our recycle project works with people in the community turning preloved materials into lovely craft and gift items. Always worth a browse to support a local project and gift shop or treat yourself!

The Golden Grail Tavern will be providing a selection of old english alcohol. Buy and try something new this StrEAT weekend and support local business! 

Gyro-Vision are going to be bringing us authentic Greek food from their streetfood van. Remind yourself of your Greek holiday with traditional Gyros and Souvelakis.

The Crowe's will be tantalising our taste buds even further with their selection of Chilli Sauces! Come down, take part, have a look and buy local! 

For those tea bellies amongst us, Snail and Rabbit Tea will be attending StrEAT! Providing the event with a classic selection  of loose tea! Always a delicious blend and great to get advice from those who know their product best!

Calypso Catering have some delicious delights for us to enjoy on Saturday 7th July. Including South American lamb arapas, chicken, rice and salads. Not forgetting Vegetarians also, there will be something for everyone.

The Beeston Brownie Company will be nearby! Arriving with their brownies including gluten free and vegan options - so everyone can enjoy the great taste! 

Scratch Chicken will be joining the market with their fantastic chicken wings, hot & spicy chicken thighs and fries!

Seek the truth will be joining us also for this years Nottingham StrEAT! 

We like to celebrate all that is good about Nottingham, so welcome community projects and businesses to showcase the great activities and services that are taking place right under our noses.

For this market we will be joined by Disability Direct Nottingham, a user led organisation supporting disabled and older people, their carers and friends and family with a wide range of services. Find out what they do and how you can help to keep their services open.

We have an array of other traders to tantalise you:

AC Crafts will tempt you into crafting with a great selection of craft materials, yarns and craft packs as well as some super crafts and cards they make too.

Also back with us are Jane and her colleagues from East Mids Avon Team with all the latest make up and tends from Avon. This well known brand brings you cosmetics including make up, skincare and perfume and some lovely costume jewellery.

He's been waiting for this for a while so it's great to have Simon Bonsai with us with his perfect little Bonsai trees. Simon's been growing and selling his trees for over 25 years. Each one comes with a care sheet so that you can get years of joy from your tree.

Casa Agave Ltd will be with us, providing a selection of delicious craft spirits and liquors from Mexico! Definitely worth a try for something different and authentic this StrEAT Saturday. 

Vegan Chocolates by Luisa will be attending. Providing is with delicious vegan treats for everyone to enjoy!

BoPeeps Catering will also be coming down this Saturday 7th July, cooking up a storm with delicious Lamb Burgers.

So come down and explore the fabulous people, products and projects that make Nottingham great.

If you would like to book a stall or connect with us please get in touch:

Make sure to connect/give us a follow on....

Facebook – Nottingham StrEAT

Twitter - @NottmStrEAT

Nottingham StrEAT - Smithy Row on 22 and 23 June 2018

June 14th, 2018

Our flagship Nottingham StrEAT is back in Nottingham City Centre throughout 2018.

It is not long to go now until our next outing, starting on Friday 22nd until Saturday 23rd June. Open to the public 10am - 5pm. 

(Some stalls may only be attending one of the two days, please see below if a stall is only trading for one of the days in the trader description)

Smithy Row runs along the side of the Council House in Nottingham City Centre, joining Clumber Street to the Market Square.

This community street market showcases the best of local businesses and community projects, you can find out what is happening in the good city of Nottingham and surrounds.  Support local community projects, treat your self to a streetfood lunch and find some unique gift items to take home.

Heading up the streetfood will be our own community StrEAT Food Stall serving up delicious Duck Fat Roast Potatoes, Steak and Ale Stew and BBQ Chicken. Offering work experience to young people and supporting Tiger Community Enterprise projects from the profits.

We will have our other community project in attendance - Tiger Green Textiles. This is our recycle project works with people in the community turning preloved materials into lovely craft and gift items. Always worth a browse to support a local project and gift shop or treat yourself!

The Golden Grail Tavern will be providing a selection of old english alcohol. Buy and try something new this StrEAT weekend and support local business! Available Friday 22nd June. 

Gyro-Vision are going to be bringing us authentic Greek food from their streetfood van. Remind yourself of your Greek holiday with traditional Gyros and Souvelakis.

On Saturday 23rd, Love Taliesin Jewellery will be with us. They truly have some really beautiful items. All handmade and offering a mix of styles there will surely be something for that perfect gift.

The Crowe's will be tantalising our taste buds even further with their selection of Chilli Sauces! Come down, take part, have a look and buy local! Here only on Friday 22nd June.

Wisteria house will be able to help you choose that perfect gift with their lovely selection of giftware. Make sure you pop down and check out whats on offer! Only on Saturday 23rd June!

For those tea bellies amongst us, Snail and Rabbit Tea will be attending StrEAT! Providing the event with a classic selection  of loose tea! Always a delicious blend and great to get advice from those who know their product best!

Gifts 4 the Soul will also be joining us for StrEAT, allowing us to shop their wonderful range of plaques, hearts, angel products or crystals. If you are spiritual or just fancy learning some more about these products, its definitely worth a look! Both Friday 22nd and Saturday 23rd June!

An addition to the market will be CB Creations, in line with our own recycled project they will provide an array of recycled crafts which are great for the environment and fantastic to look at... True craftsmanship!

The Beeston Brownie Company will be nearby! Arriving with their brownies including gluten free and vegan options - so everyone can enjoy the great taste! Only on Friday 22nd June

Scratch Chicken will be joining the market with their fantastic chicken wings, hot & spicy chicken thighs and fries!

The Sunshine Shack will be providing  us with latin american food with snowy cones and shakes to cool us off!

Seek the truth will be joining us also for this years Nottingham StrEAT! Only on Saturday 23rd June!

We like to celebrate all that is good about Nottingham, so welcome community projects and businesses to showcase the great activities and services that are taking place right under our noses.

For this market we will be joined by Disability Direct Nottingham, a user led organisation supporting disabled and older people, their carers and friends and family with a wide range of services. Find out what they do and how you can help to keep their services open.

We are very pleased to be supported by the Coop at Nottingham Station and the Meadows so that we can provide free space to community groups on our market. Nottingham Together and the Co-op will be supporting our event in true StrEAT style with goody bags and giveaways!

We have an array of other traders to tantalise you:

AC Crafts will tempt you into crafting with a great selection of craft materials, yarns and craft packs as well as some super crafts and cards they make too.

Also back with us are Jane and her colleagues from East Mids Avon Team with all the latest make up and tends from Avon. This well known brand brings you cosmetics including make up, skincare and perfume and some lovely costume jewellery.

He's been waiting for this for a while so it's great to have Simon Bonsai with us with his perfect little Bonsai trees. Simon's been growing and selling his trees for over 25 years. Each one comes with a care sheet so that you can get years of joy from your tree.

Casa Agave Ltd will be with us, providing a selection of delicious craft spirits and liquors from Mexico! Definitely worth a try for something different and authentic this StrEAT weekend. 

We are so excited to see the Platypus girls back with us with their unique brand of streetwear. Original clothese designed in Nottingham and produced in the UK. Why wouldn't you want to buy British!

So come down and explore the fabulous people, products and projects that make Nottingham great.

If you would like to book a stall or connect with us please get in touch:

Make sure to connect/give us a follow on....

Facebook – Nottingham StrEAT

Twitter - @NottmStrEAT

Press Release: Nottingham StrEAT - Smithy Row on 5 May 2018

April 25th, 2018

Our flagship Nottingham StrEAT is back in Nottingham City Centre throughout 2018.

Our first outing is on Saturday 5 May, open to the public 10am - 5pm.

Smithy Row runs along the side of the Council House in Nottingham City Centre, joining Clumber Street to the Market Square.

This community street market showcases the best of local businesses and community projects, you can find out what is happening in the good city of Nottingham and surrounds.  Support local community projects, treat your self to a streetfood lunch and find some unique gift items to take home.

Heading up the streetfood will be our own community StrEAT Food Stall serving up delicious Duck Fat Roast Potatoes, Steak and Ale Stew and BBQ Chicken. Offering work experience to young people and supporting Tiger Community Enterprise projects from the profits.

Gyro-Vision are going to be bringing us authentic Greek food from their streetfood van. Remind yourself of your Greek holiday with traditional Gyros and Souvelakis.

A taste of the Orient comes from All Things Sweet with tasty Chinese steamed buns and bubble tea. Also dumplings stuffed with meat and veg and served with dips.

Calypso Catering will be bringing Caribbean Jerk Chicken and other delights to tickle your taste buds.

We like to celebrate all that is good about Nottingham, so welcome community projects and businesses to showcase the great activities and services that are taking place right under our noses.

For this market we will be joined by Disability Direct Nottingham, a user led organisation supporting disabled and older people, their carers and friends and family with a wide range of services. Find out what they do and how you can help to keep their services open.

We are very pleased to be supported by the Coop at Nottingham Station and the Meadows so that we can provide free space to community groups on our market.

We have an array of other traders to tantalise you:

AC Crafts will tempt you into crafting with a great selection of craft materials, yarns and craft packs as well as some super crafts and cards they make too.

Love Taliesin Jewellery have some beautiful items. All handmade and offering a mix of styles there will surely be something for that perfect gift.

We are so excited to see the Platypus girls back with us with their unique brand of streetwear. Original clothese designed in Nottingham and produced in the UK. Why wouldn't you want to buy British!

Also back with us are Jane and her colleagues from East Mids Avon Team with all the latest make up and tends from Avon. This well known brand brings you cosmetics including make up, skincare and perfume and some lovely costume jewellery.

He's been waiting for this for a while so it's great to have Simon Bonsai with us with his perfect little Bonsai trees. Simon's been growing and selling his trees for over 25 years. Each one comes with a care sheet so that you can get years of joy from your tree.

The Brand Ambassador for Nottingham & Nottinghamshire for Ridiculously Rich by Alana, Neil McStravick will be showcasing great Luxury Hand Made Cakes. This is the business by Alana who was the 2016 BBC One ‘The Apprentice’ winner.

We are hoping to have our other community project - Tiger Green Textiles - with us (volunteers and stall permitting). Our recycle project works with people in the community turning preloved materials into lovely craft and gift items.

So come down and explore the fabulous people, products and projects that make Nottingham great.

If you would like to book a stall or connect with us please get in touch:

Facebook – Nottingham StrEAT

Twitter - @NottmStrEAT

Nottingham StrEAT

April 5th, 2018

Our flagship Nottingham StrEAT is back in Nottingham City Centre throughout 2018.

After a little break, where we have been off doing various other projects and working with lots of wonderful people, we are really pleased to be running Nottingham StrEAT again.

This community street market showcases the best of local businesses and community projects, including food producers, arts, crafts and streetfood. Showing why Nottingham is a great place to live and work and highlighting the variety and diversity of independent business, projects that are running and as always at a StrEAT event – great street food.

Providing a City Centre location on Smithy Row (alongside the Council House), stallholders can invite established customers to visit them and also get to know lots of new customers in this prime location with high footfall.

We are also pleased to be showcasing our new community streetfood project – The StrEAT Food Stall. Popping up around the city at community events, we offer work experience opportunities to young people and the unemployed and as a non profit organisation any profits we make from the stall will go back into the Tiger kitty to support our other community projects.

We like to celebrate all that is good about Nottingham, so welcome community projects and businesses to showcase the great activities and services that are taking place right under our noses.

So come down and explore the fabulous people, products and projects that make Nottingham great.

If you would like to book a stall or connect with us please get in touch:

Facebook – Nottingham StrEAT

Twitter - @NottmStrEAT

StrEAT Food Stall

March 29th, 2018

We would like you to support the launch of our new community StrEAT Food Stall.

Tiger Community Enterprise CIC has been supporting streetfood as part of our Nottngham StrEAT events for a number of years. Mainly because we like a good meal when we are busy all day running events!

We've also enjoyed working with Andrew and Jo at The Green Kitchen over the past few years, at events including the Nottingham Winter Wonderland Christmas Markets. Serving up tasty Duck Fat Roasties, Steak and Ale Stew and Barbeque Chicken.

With the help of The Green Kitchen we are now launching our own community streetfood stall. With Duck Fat Roasties so popular on their menu, we are going to be including them as the core of our new menu, along with the Stew and Chicken as specials.

As a community organisation we will be working with students and the unemployed, offering voluntary work experience opportunities in a live business. Sharing the chance to find out what it's really like cooking outside with limited resources, building resilience and confidence in the kitchen.

Our volunteers will also be able to work with us to develop the menu and the direction of the streetfood stall, opening up opportunities for paid work.

Our aim is to build the StrEAT Food Stall to become an established streetfood name around the city and also to become sustainable, generating income for Tiger Community Enterprise CIC, which will allow us to run more community projects in Nottingham.

We had our launch event on Friday 23 March at Minor Oak which is located at Sneinton Avenues, an up and coming area of the City. We were pleased to have a fabulous turn out of friends and supporters along with some interested passers by! The feedback on the food was a resounding ‘yum’, ‘it was lovely’, ‘that was so nice’ – what more can we ask.

You will start to see us popping up at locations around the City – we will be regulars at our own Nottingham StrEAT events taking place monthly on Sneinton Market and Smithy Row as well as other community events. If you would like to book us for your event please get in touch:

We are also interested in regular pitches, so it you work at a large organisation that would like to have a regular ‘streetfood lunch’ day then let’s have a conversation.

As a non profit organisation, all the profits that we earn from this project will go into the Tiger kitty (no pun intended!) to ensure we can run more community projects in and around the city – initially supporting projects we already run, such as our community recycling project Tiger Green Textiles, however, over time we would like to launch exciting new projects to fill community needs.

Please follow us on social media to keep track of our progress and find out where you can get our yummy food:

Facebook – Nottingham StrEAT

Twitter - @NottmStrEAT

Instagram: @TigerShowcases

Sneinton StrEAT Festival

January 30th, 2018

Nottingham StrEAT is back with a great series of community events in conjunction with Sneinton market.

Our first event is on Saturday 14 April 11am - 7pm

A community market featuring some fabulous local makers and community projects.

A Showcase stage with some brilliant local performers run with support from Nottingham College.

Amazing streetfood from our new Community StrEAT Food Stall with popular Duck Fat Roasties on the menu.

We are excited to make this a regular feature on the Sneinton landscape, bringing the best of Nottingham to Sneinton on a monthly basis. 

We’re taking stall bookings now so would love to hear from you if you would like to take part.

Please share so we can make this a great community event.

You can find the event details on the Nottingham StrEAT Facebook event page

Press Release: Tiger Work Skills Project funded by the Big Lottery

October 6th, 2017

Tiger Community Enterprise CIC is pleased to announce that we have received funding from the Big Lottery for our Tiger Work Skills Project.

We will be offering work skills training in sales marketing and events on live projects run by ourselves and for partner organisations.

Voluntary places will be available to young people, disabled people and the unemployed to work with us at Disability Direct Nottingham, ensuring accessibility for all.

This will be a great opportunity for those accepting places with us to build on their work skills and improve their pathways to employment.

For the disabled people that work with us they will be able to assess their capabilities in the workplace and therefore build their confidence in their ability to work in an integrated environment.

We previously ran a pilot scheme working with students from New College Nottingham which was very successful. We were impressed with the quality of the work the students engaged in and their work ethic.

We therefore wanted an be able to offer placements again to those looking to build their work experience. The funding from the Big Lottery allows us to do this.

It also enables us, as a community enterprise, to increase our presence and engage in further work to support the local community.

Our director James Warner said 'I came to Tiger initially on the NCN project, helping with events. I enjoyed it so much I came back to volunteer after my first year of university and then came on board as a director. My fellow director Toni Jarvis and I are looking forward to offering similar opportunities to other young people, particularly those with a disability, who may find it more difficult to access the workplace. By working with Disability Direct Nottingham we are able to ensure that we are providing equality to those on the project and encouraging an integrated work environment where everybody can benefit.'

Toni Jarvis, Project Director says 'Tiger is all about helping people to help themselves and supporting enterprise. We believe this project manages both these aims, as our team will work on live projects that have a positive impact on the local community and also support our partner organisations. Working collaboratively means we are stronger together.'

Anyone interested in finding out more about the project can contact James at:

Or Toni at:

Notes to Editors:

Tiger Community Enterprise CIC works to support community organisations and businesses through enterprising projects that engage with the community and through business support.

Disability Direct in Nottingham prides itself on being able to make a difference to disabled people, older people and carers residing in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire.

Promoting positive change in a non-political and non-campaigning way. As an organisation, they have a strong sense of commitment to empowering people to make their own choices and make positive decisions about independent living opportunities.

Working with the Dorcas Life - Group

August 10th, 2017

We have been really pleased with the interest and support we have received for our  Tiger Green Textiles project - recycling unwanted clothing and fabric into beautiful craft, gift and home ware items. We work in and with the community to offer opportunities to learn and share skills.

Read the full story of our work with the Dorcas Life-Group here.

Our Tiger Green Textiles Project is about Recycling

June 2nd, 2017

Our project is about #recycling

We turn unwanted clothing and materials into crafts, accessories, soft furnishings and other items.

We do this by running community workshops, offering people the opportunity to join with others to learn and share skills, make new friends and enjoy a creative atmosphere that builds confidence.

Read the full story here.

New Year – New Skill: Learn to sew at our Textile Recycling Workshops at Disability Direct Nottingham

January 11th, 2017

Tiger Green Textiles will be running Textile Recycling Workshops with R.E.A.C.H. at Disability Direct Nottingham, Old Basford Community Centre.

They will run fortnightly on Saturdays starting 14 January.

Taking donated materials, we will be recycling them into crafts and gift items. There will be lots of opportunity for you to flex your creative muscles.

Our community workshops are free to attend so why not come and join us at our next workshops:

Saturday 14 January – 11am – 2pm

Saturday 28 January – 11am – 2pm

Saturday 11 February – 11am – 2pm

Saturday 25 February – 11am – 2pm


Disability Direct Nottingham,

Old Basford Community Centre, Bramble Close, NG6 0QG

The project takes donated clothing, fabrics and haberdashery and gives them a new lease of life. Working as a team, the workshops provide an opportunity for people of all abilities and skill levels to make wonderful products which will then be sold to support the project – you are also welcome to purchase items made on the day.

You can:

v Learn a new life skill

v Share your skills

v Make new friends

v Help to give discarded clothing and fabrics a new lease of life

v Have fun!

We will be making a range of craft items and it will be a team effort – so creative ideas are welcome.

We are looking for project supporters and would welcome donations of clothing, fabrics, haberdashery and anything else that we can recycle into something new, or even a sewing machine. Get in touch with Toni for more information –

Share this with your friends and connect with us:

Facebook: TigerGreenTextiles

Twitter: @TigerGreenTex


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